Everything is finally in place for A Pinch of Distrust. The final draft of the final draft (no, that’s not a typo) has been uploaded to the various sites. It’s now available for pre-order on a variety of services. I’ve listed all the purchase links on the books section of this website, at https://rychilla.com/about-the-books/.
I have also started posting character profiles of my core cast on social media, to introduce them. I’ve also diversified my social media, given what’s going on with Twitter at the moment. I’m now on Mastodon as well as Tumblr and Facebook. So the business side of things is settled, for now.
Writing-wise, there’s been a couple of developments for book 2. I’ve drafted up to the start of the third act, where everything starts to fall into place. As part of this, he consults a character named Taesonith, who was originally going to be a one-off character in A Pinch of Distrust. In fact, her appearance in that story is what leads to her showing up here.
While writing the scene, I realised that her story wasn’t done yet. So I did some character development on her, and she’s now another of my core characters. But not in the usual sense. She’s developed into Yaetherim’s rival. The Quark to his Odo, if you’re familiar with Deep Space Nine. Something like that, at least.
I don’t want to give away too much, but her development and path forward are very much of Yaetherim’s own doing. Sometimes she’s an ally, sometimes not. Perhaps I will give her a story or two of her own. Guess I’ll just have to see what develops. For me, that’s one of the fun parts of writing, anyway. Pulling on the strings of these ideas and seeing where they go.